In a decree announced late Wednesday, Bishop Shelton Fabre announced that he has granted a dispensation to the Catholic faithful in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux of the obligation to abstain from eating meat for the two remaining Fridays in Lent. His decree specifically relates to the fourth and fifth Fridays in Lent, but the faithful is reminded that the law on abstinence and fasting for Good Friday is never dispensed and must be observed in its entirety.
The bishop addresses in his decree the issues the coronavirus has placed many of our faithful “in a situation wherein obtaining food, including meal alternatives from meat, the rising cost of fish and other forms of seafood and even the challenge of being able to obtain groceries without endangering their health, make it clearly difficult for them to fulfill this practice.”
For those who choose to accept his decree, “I ask that you substitute this with other forms of penance, especially works of piety and charity in place of the abstinence in accord with canon 1253 of the Code of Canon Law.”
The obligation to abstain from eating meat on all Fridays in Lent, as well as on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, is imposed on all Catholics who have attained the age of fourteen.
Sunday Mass
Join Bishop Fabre for Sunday Mass on our Diocesan Facebook Page and our Diocesan Youtube Channel at 9:00AM every Sunday.
These Masses will also air on HTV 10 in Houma on Sundays at 9:00AM.
These Masses will also air on KWBJ22 in Morgan City on Sundays at 8:00AM
A series of reflections on the Stations of the Cross, written by Mary Bath Hoppes, a lay minister of the Diocese of Saginaw. Each station reflects on our current situation. Bishop Gruss leads the Stations in the video; a downloadable resource helps the homebound to follow along
To Support You
If you're receiving this email, you are one of the thousands of people from this diocese who signed up for our Why We Believe, Why We Confess, and/or Why We Worship video series in the last couple years. We hope you've enjoyed them!
We wanted to reach out to you during this difficult time and offer some resources designed to aid you and your loved ones.
We created a special webpage on our diocesan website that contains several resources to help support us through this pandemic.
In addition to the resources currently there, we will be producing several new videos and podcasts over the next couple weeks. Stay up with the latest resources by visiting our diocesan website:
All CCD classes until further notice
First Communion
You can find these Masses on the following platforms: Our Diocesan Website: Our Diocesan Facebook Page: OR Our Diocesan Youtube Channel: HTV10, Houma (All Masses except for the Paschal Vigil) KWBJ TV 22, Morgan City (Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday only)
Check out our diocesan website for resources on how to pray Holy Week in your home:
Join Bishop Fabre for Sunday Mass on our Diocesan Facebook Page and our Diocesan Youtube Channel at 9:00AM every Sunday.
These Masses will also air on HTV 10 in Houma on Sundays at 9:00AM.
These Masses will also air on KWBJ22 in Morgan City on Sundays at 8:00AM
There are several priests throughout our diocese that are currently livestreaming daily Masses on their Facebook Pages. Below are links to some of the priests Pages where they are livestreaming Masses. The DIocese is also working with HTV10 to air some of those Masses daily on TV. More information to come soon.
Fr. Cody Chatagnier @ St. Ann in Bourg, Facebook Page
Fr. John David Matherne @ St. Hilary in Mathews, Facebook Page
Fr. Mitch Semar @ St Thomas in Thibodaux, Facebook Page
Fr. Andre Melancon @ St. Bernadette in Houma, Facebook Page
Fr. Joey Pilola @ Maria Immacolata in Houma, Facebook Page
EWTN - Watch Daily Mass:
Act of Spiritual Communion
Whenever you cannot go to Mass or receive the Eucharist, there is a prayer that allows you to make a Spiritual Communion.
The Act of Spiritual Communion was written by St. Alphonsus de Liguori:
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.
(You may make this Spiritual Communion anytime you need it and as often as you need it)
A series of reflections on the Stations of the Cross, written by Mary Bath Hoppes, a lay minister of the Diocese of Saginaw. Each station reflects on our current situation. Bishop Gruss leads the Stations in the video; a downloadable resource helps the homebound to follow along
Watch Sunday Mass & Daily Mass from St. Louis Cathedral in New Orleans by visiting:
My dear people of God in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux,
May God's blessings and His peace be with you. I speak to you again today with news regarding our continuing response to the coronavirus pandemic, news which brings up many emotions in my own heart and I'm sure emotions in your hearts as well. In response to suggested restrictions on gatherings made by our national and state leaders today, I have chosen to cancel the public celebration of Mass in our diocese on Sundays and weekdays until further notice, effective immediately. This includes the public celebration of weddings, funerals, and confirmations. I know that these sacred events are incredibly important to you, and I do not make this decision lightly.
I recognize that this decision brings up many different emotions in each one of us. While acknowledging these emotions, we must also together recognize that, in this time of pandemic, God is not going anywhere; and neither are your priests; and neither is your Church. We are here for you in this time of uncertainty. Knowing our need to be remembered in the presence of the Lord, I want to assure you that our priests will daily continue to offer Masses privately for you and for your intentions. I encourage each member of the faithful to make an Act of Spiritual Communiondaily. Our churches will remain open for the daily personal prayer of the faithful.
I make these decisions because I care for you and because I care for those who are especially vulnerable to this virus. The outbreak of this novel coronavirus has disrupted all of our lives. This is difficult and it is inconvenient. Because there are many unknown variables in terms of the transmission and effects of this virus, we must be prudent in our decision-making to care for "the least of these" (Matthew 25:40) by taking these necessary extra precautions for their sake.
In the coming days, the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux will be providing many resources for your prayer, reflection, and spiritual aids to help you live fruitfully during this difficult time. These resources can be found on our diocesan website, The first of these, available now, is an Act of Spiritual Communion.
However, I want to speak with you more personally and directly. Therefore, I will be addressing the people of the diocese this Wednesday, March 18, at 7 PM through our diocesan website, Facebook Page, and other venues. The purpose of the address is to answer questions that I know many of you may have, as well as to offer a way forward in the midst of such challenging times. Again, I invite you to join me this Wednesday, March 18, at 7 PM. Please check our diocesan website for further information.
My dear friends in Christ, let us continue to pray for one another and with one another during this time of uncertainty. Together, let us offer the inconveniences and any other sacrifices in union with our crucified Lord for those who are suffering. Let us attentively love and care for our families, our loved ones, and our elderly neighbors in this time.
May God's grace and God's peace be with you.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
+ Most Reverend Shelton J. Fabre
Posted Monday, March 16, 2020 | 6:45pm